Kim Andringa

Kim Andringa

Senior Lecturer (REIGENN)

  • Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Lettres, UFR d'études germaniques et nordiques, 108 boulevard Malesherbes
    75017 , Paris

Kim Andringa

Kim Andringa (co-primary investigator of the CanFac project) is a senior lecturer in Dutch studies at the Department of Germanic and Nordic Studies of Sorbonne University. A member of the REIGENN research unit, her research focuses on Franco-Dutch literary relations (reception studies, circulation of translations, the imaginary, etc.) as well as post-colonial Dutch-language literature, particularly that of the former Netherlands Antilles and Surinam. Following a doctoral thesis devoted mainly to travel literature, to geographical frontiers and to those of the mind (L'imaginaire des Pays-Bas dans la littérature française du 19e siècle), she currently continues her comparative exploration of perspectives and perceptions of foreignness. She focuses on the juxtapositions between French- and Dutch-language literatures, in particular through the study of the mechanisms underlying translation: cultural transfers, publishing policies, analysis of translation strategies and reception.

Another area of her research is the study of Dutch-language postcolonial literature from the Caribbean, which is little known to the general public, and the way in which authors from the Netherlands Antilles and Surinam (Cola Debrot, Boeli van Leeuwen, Tip Marugg, Anton de Kom, etc.), whatever their skin colour, have to find their place between identification with and opposition to the metropolis.