Guillaume Fourcade

Senior Lecturer (VALE)

  • Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Sciences et Ingénirie, Département des Langues, Bureau 54-00-113, 4 place Jussieu
    75005 , Paris

Guillaume Fourcade

Guillaume Fourcade is Canon Factory’s co-primary investigator. He is a senior lecturer of English at the Language Department of Sorbonne Université’s School of Science and Engineering and a member of research team VALE (U. R. 4085). From his doctoral dissertation onwards (The Mirrors of Writing in John Donne’s Poems and Sermons, 1572-1631, supervisor Pr. Pierre Iselin, Paris-Sorbonne, 2005), his research has focused on discursive complexity in Donne’s works and more specifically on their self-referential and, at times, self-deconstructing quality. His most significant publications have studied such self-mirroring texts through various figures: the act of writing as nothingness, optical tricks and fake transparency, the margins of discourse and meaning, as well as the representations of crossings. He has more recently published essays on the doctrine of scandals in Donne’s sermons and on the playfulness of paradoxes in his poetry and prose. Together with Kerry-Jane Wallart, he has guest-edited issue 27 of peer-reviewed journal Sillages Critiques on “taking place” in Anglophone literature and arts: